We are inviting our entire Membership to attend GLA'S Annual General Meeting on October 5, 2021
Time: 7-9pm
Location: VIRTUAL
More information to follow including registration and virtual meeting link.
Executive Positions Seeking Nominations
To apply for one of the above mentioned positions, please click here to complete the form.
For more information & details on each position, please view the 2021 GLA AGM Board Position Nominations document below.
Amendments to the GLA Constitution
What is a Constitution?
The GLA Constitution is an agreement, which governs the aims of our organization, how it will be run, as well as how our members will work together. It is a document that outlines and defines our objectives, membership, roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors (BOD) and other committees and positions that report to the BOD. It provides procedural guidance in calling for and holding meetings as well as issuing awards to volunteer members.
What are Constitutional Amendments?
We acknowledge that our association will continue to grow and evolve and so every year in preparation for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), members are invited to submit suggested amendments (changes) to our Constitution for consideration and voting.
More specifically, as stated in Article 5.2 of the GLA Constitution, The membership of the GLA, within the definition as stated in Article 3, and as assembled at the Annual General Meeting, shall have the exclusive power to approve and amend the Constitution.
What are Bylaws?
While the GLA Constitution covers the fundamental principles of our organization, it does not prescribe specific procedures for operating within the GLA. This is the purpose of the GLA Bylaws that set out in detail the procedures the GLA follows to conduct business in an orderly manner. Our Bylaws provide further definition to the articles of the Constitution and can be changed more easily as the needs of the GLA change. According to the GLA Constitution Article 5.2, The general membership may recommend the addition of new or changes to, the existing Bylaws of the Corporation for consideration by the Board of Directors where they deem it appropriate.
The deadline to submit is September 28. Please review the 2021 GLA AGM Constitutional Amendment Submission Information Page below prior to submitting an amendment.
To submit an amendment, please click here to complete the submission form.
To view the GLA Bylaws, please find the latest version below.
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